Antreneaza-ti coloana ca un templu ce se aseaza arc peste lume! O musca bazaie. Se lipeste de divinitatea picioarelor tale si se adapa din izvorul nesecat de puroi de la unghia ta incarnata.
"Ai multe idei! Esti un idiot veritabil!" Ea lua notite despre ritualuri secrete de initiere ale mafiei Calabreze si despre arborele din care am cazut cu totii ca niste frunze. "Suntem toti niste tradatori. Rolul nostru este sa fertilizam adevarul." El o privea ca pe o miriste proaspat arata si-si vedea recolta germinand in idei hibride , comod erbicidate.
"Ce interesant! Explica! Cine a inventat nemurirea si de ce nu-ti mai clipesc ochii din palma?"
Vrei sex...o femeie veritabil de grasa in care sa te afunzi ca un sfant in norii raiului. Sa fie a ta ca o erezie pentru care sa merite sa arzi pe rug. "Ioana D'arc a plecat pana in targ asa ca....Nu nu a intrebat de tine dar ti-a lasat un sarut politicos pe obrazul stang."
Ai inebunit? Te reversi ca o chiuveta supraplina de informatii! Masturbeaza-ti creierul pana ce-ti simti lobii uscandu-se ca niste prune. Asa e mai bine.
Esti amortit ca dupa o usoara lobotomie.
Train your column as a temple that sits arched over the world! A bite hums in holy hymns. Divinity sticks to your feet and drinks the wellspring of pus from your ingrown nail.
"You have so many ideas! 're A real idiot!" Take notes about the secret rites of initiation in the Calabrian mafia and of the tree from which we all fell . "We're all snitches. Our role is to fertilize the truth." He looked at her like at a freshly ploughed stubble and so his harvest of ideas germinating in hybrids, conveniently herbicide .
"How interesting! Explain! Whoever invented immortality and why are your eyes not flashing in your palms?"
Crave sex ... a genuine fat woman to dip in like a saint throwing himself in the clouds of heaven.
She can be yours as a heresy worth burning for. "Joan of Arc went to the fair so .... She did not ask you.. but she did live a polite kiss on the left cheek."
Are you crazy? A sink overflows with information!
Masturbate your brain until your lobes feel like dried plums . That's better.
're Numb.... a slight lobotomy.
St Lucia Buns
Acum 3 ani
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